
Below you will find the Law Library’s usage policies. In addition to these policies, the Law Library is also subject to Georgia State’s university-wide policies.

The primary function of the Georgia State University Law Library is to serve the teaching, research and scholarly activities of faculty, students and staff. To best fulfill this mission, access controls and restrictions are in effect.

The Georgia State University Law Library is open to visitors during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.

Access to the Law Library outside of regular business hours is limited to:

  • Currently enrolled Georgia State University students (with PantherCard Id) and their families
  • Faculty and staff (with PantherCard ID) and their families
  • Members of the bar with valid State Bar Card
  • Librarians with valid employee ID
  • Visitors from University System of Georgia schools , and ARCHE schools with a valid college ID
  • Georgia State Alumni Association members with Alumni Association ID
  • Employees of the State of Georgia with valid employee ID cards

Visitors that do not belong to one of these groups will be required to exit the library at the close of regular business hours.

Anyone with a PantherCard is required to swipe it to gain admittance. All other visitors must present a photo ID at the security guard station at the Law Library entrance, sign-in and state the reason for the visit. IDs may be held at the security station while visitors are in the Library, and visitors will be issued a visitor badge. After hours visitors including University System of Georgia, ARCHE affiliates, state bar members, Georgia State Alumni Association members, ABA accredited law school members, and State of Georgia employees, must leave an institutional ID with security for access outside of regular business hours. All visitors must sign out, collect IDs, and return visitors badges upon exiting the Law Library.

For further information about access to the Georgia State University Law Library, please contact Library Administration at 404-413-9140.

Enforcement begins September 1, 2010

The Law Library will institute a restricted access policy during the law school final exam period. The dates for restricted hours are located on the Hours page.  During the law school final exam period access will be restricted to:

  • Currently enrolled Georgia State University Law students (with PantherCard Id) and their families
  • Faculty and staff (with PantherCard ID) and their families
  • Members of the bar with valid State Bar Card
  • Librarians with valid employee ID
  • Georgia State Alumni Association members with Alumni Association ID
  • Employees of the State of Georgia with valid employee ID cards

During that time, other researchers can use the Fulton County Justice Resource Center located at 185 Central Avenue, on the 7th floor of the Justice Center Tower. Their hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Note: you may enter from 141 Pryor Street or 185 Central Avenue.

Researchers wishing to use government documents must request access to the library at least 24 hours prior to their visit. Access may be requested by calling 404-413-9100. Each approved visitor will be granted one hour of access.

Enforcement begins December 1, 2010

Patrons of the Law Library have the right to expect:

  • A quiet and pleasant library environment conducive to research and scholarship and free of disruptive activity.
  • Reasonable access to library materials.

To ensure Library patrons' rights, the Law Library strictly enforces Federal, State, local, and University rules governing behavior in public spaces. In addition, the Law Library has established Library-specific policies to protect patrons' rights within the Law Library. All patrons of the Law Library will refrain from the activities listed below:

  1. Creating a disturbance or behaving in any manner that interferes with normal use of the Law Library, or that affects the staff's ability to provide service (including, but not limited to, rowdiness, noise, loitering, panhandling and offensive behavior).
  2. Having bodily hygiene so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to others.
  3. Bringing in personal belongings not essential to the research undertaking or placing personal belongings or Library materials so as to impede access. Bringing in large or inappropriate personal items, including, but not limited to, luggage, bicycles, skateboards, bedrolls, carts, frame backpacks, and large duffle bags.
  4. Leaving children unattended in the Law Library. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children's behavior while in the Library. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent at all times. Unattended children under the age of 16 will be escorted to security.
  5. Removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without checking them out or without proper authorization.
  6. Mutilating library materials; removing or attempting to remove electronic theft detection devices; misuse of, defacing or destruction of library materials or property, including furniture or equipment, in any way.
  7. Concealing library materials in the Library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
  8. Being in an unauthorized area of the Law Library or remaining in the Library after closing or when requested to leave during emergency situations.
  9. Selling, peddling and/or soliciting of merchandise or services, including legal representation, to patrons while in the Law Library.
  10. Conducting unauthorized surveys, photography, or audio/video recording within the Law Library. Authorization must be pre-approved by the appropriate Library administrator.
  11. Using restroom facilities for activity other than the intended purpose for the facilities.
  12. Violating the Food and Drink policy.

For violation of Federal, State, local policies for conduct in public spaces, or violation of the University Code of Conduct, Honor Code, or the Law Library Conduct Policy, whether a member of the Georgia State University community or not, appropriate action will be taken.

Enforcement begins October 12, 2009

The Law Library has made these public computing workstations available to its users for assistance with their legal research endeavors.

It will be considered a violation of this policy to use the public access stations for any of the following:

  • participation in chat rooms;
  • downloading/printing/viewing of non-educational, non-research related materials;
  • downloading or uploading software or other materials to these public access stations;
  • making any changes to the current settings of these stations;
  • accessing electronic mail (GSU students wishing to access their email may do so at any of the other computer labs located on campus); AND
  • monopolizing these public access stations.  Individuals are allotted 30 minutes of research time and must allow others to access the stations after their time has expired.

Members of the Georgia State University community are also bound by all computing policies of the University, including the University Information Systems Use Policies.

All Law Library staff members have the authority and the responsibility to enforce this policy.

Enforcement begins December 16, 2010

Circulation Period
Law Library circulating materials generally circulate for three weeks. The due date is stamped or written on a bookmark provided when the item is checked out.

Materials checked out to GSU Faculty are due at the end of the academic year they originally circulated (June 15).

Overdue Materials / Fines
The Library charges the following fines for those materials kept past their due date:

  • 10¢/minute for study room keys, reserve items, and study aids
  • 25¢/day for three week circulating items
  • 50¢/day for recalled three week circulating items
  • 50¢/day for one week circulating items

Fines may be paid by check or cashier check (we do not accept cash).

GSU faculty do not pay fines for overdue Law Library items.

Patrons are blocked if they have either:

  •  $10.00 in fines for three week circulating items
  •  $50.00 in fines for one week circulating items
  •  three or more items overdue

Beginning the first full week the items are overdue, an overdue notice is sent to the patron. Two additional notices are sent at 14 day intervals if the items are still not returned.

If the items are not returned within one month of the due date, an invoice is sent to the patron. The invoice will list charges for the overdue fine, replacement cost of the item, and a $20.00 processing fee.

If the overdue item is not returned after the fourth and final notice or if the overdue charge has not been paid by the end of the quarter or semester in which the item was borrowed, the patron's academic records will be blocked through the Registrar's Office.

Materials may be renewed if no one else has placed a hold on the items.  Patrons may renew:

Reserve Materials
Items placed on reserve are listed on GIL by their class number and professor.

Reserve items can be checked out for three hours at a time. Only two Reserve items may be checked out for a three hour period. The items can be renewed after a one hour waiting period.

GSU students must use their student IDs to check out Reserve materials.

Other patrons must present a driver's licenses or other valid form of identification.

Reserve books and audio tapes can be checked out for overnight use, two hours prior to closing. Items are due back the next day one hour after the Library opens.

Any patron with borrowing privileges may place a hold on an item that is checked out. When the item is returned, Circulation notifies the patron with the hold request. The held item is placed on the hold shelf for one week for the patron to pick up.

Enforcement begins March 28, 2011.

The Georgia State University College of Law Library provides interlibrary loan service for current students, faculty, and staff of the College of Law for materials useful in the pursuit of the educational mission of the College of Law. The library staff reserves the right to refuse a request that is too costly to fulfill. Other individuals seeking interlibrary loan service may seek service from the following institutions.

University Library non-law students and
non-law faculty/staff
The appropriate public library branch members of the public
County or Bar Association law library or firm law library attorneys

If a College of Law student, faculty or staff member needs materials that are not available at a library at Georgia State University or other libraries within the University System of Georgia, the request for interlibrary loan service should be made by using the Interlibrary Loan Request Form.

If a book is available from another library within the University System of Georgia, the patron must acquire it through GIL Express using the Universal Catalog. Journal articles available from University System of Georgia libraries must still be requested though interlibrary loan.

The amount of time an item is lent and any renewal periods will be at the discretion of the lending library.

Textbooks sold at the Georgia State University Bookstore will not be requested. If a textbook is out of stock, interlibrary loan staff will place an interlibrary loan request.

Patrons will be responsible for any charges related to the loss of or damage to borrowed items that occurs after taking possession of them.

Lending and Duplication Services by the Law Library:
The Georgia State University College of Law Library only accepts Interlibrary Loan requests from other libraries. Requests are accepted via the OCLC interlibrary loan system, or a mailed or faxed ALA-compliant request form. When a request is faxed, please call the Law Library to alert staff that a faxed interlibrary loan request should be expected. If prior arrangements are made, local law libraries may obtain permission from the Head of Public Services for self-service, on-site interlibrary loan borrowing. (See Policy on Interlibrary Loan to Law Firms.)

At this time, no fee is charged for interlibrary loan services; however, lengthy or multiple requests may incur a necessary time delay.

Most materials will be shipped library rate. Materials will be delivered by ARCHE truck to most four-year colleges and universities in Georgia. Requests for materials to be shipped by other means may require payment by the borrowing library. Materials will not be delivered directly to the patron but will only be sent to the requesting library. The Law Library does not provide document delivery.

The turnaround time on an interlibrary loan request is dependent upon the volume of requests and staffing levels, but the Law Library strives to process all interlibrary loan requests within two business days.

The following items are not lent by the Law Library:

  • Volumes or issues of periodicals
  • Audio/visual materials
  • Rare books
  • Books on reserve
  • Books in the reference sections
  • Books in the student computer lab
  • All or part of multi-volume sets
  • Microforms/fiche
  • Items designated in the Library catalog (https://gil.gsu.edu/) as non-circulating

The Law Library is willing to make rare exceptions. Such exceptions will have special lending conditions.

Materials from the Law Library collection are loaned for a period of four weeks. Upon approval by a Law Library staff member, returnable materials may be renewed once.

The College of Law Library provides group study rooms to currently enrolled Georgia State College of Law students.  The primary purpose of these rooms is to provide a place for students to engage in collaborative and cooperative study in small groups.

  • Students in groups of two or more may reserve study rooms on a first-come/first-served basis.  Students must make their own reservations using the online booking system. All members of the group should be listed in the reservation.
  • If a group is unable to use a reservation, the student making the reservation is responsible for canceling the reservation in advance of the scheduled reservation time, to assure that the space is available for other students’ use.
  • Once a room is reserved, two members of the group are required to check out the room key from the Circulation Desk.  If a group study room has been reserved, at least two people in the group must be present within the first 10 minutes of the reservation hour.   A group that is more than 10 minutes late forfeits their reservation.
  • The maximum reservation period for a group study room is three (3) hours per day per campus ID.
  • Failure to timely return the key at the end of the reservation period will result in a fine accruing at the rate of 10 cents per minute.
  • Reservations may be made up to one week in advance of the reservation date.

Cooperation and courtesy are appreciated.  Patrons who intentionally and repeatedly violate this policy risk being banned from reserving a group study room for one semester.

Enforcement begins January 10, 2011. Update August 12, 2019.

The COL Library will be enforcing the following food and drink policy.  We depend on our students, faculty, alumni, and other visitors to the Library to be responsible and follow these guidelines, in the hopes that everyone can enjoy their experience while visiting.

Food and Drinks
Recognizing that a comfortable study environment requires a food and drink policy that is not overly restrictive, the COL Library will be enforcing the following food and drink policy. We depend on our students, faculty, alumni, and other visitors to the Library to be responsible and follow these guidelines, in the hopes that everyone can enjoy their experience while visiting. The Library staff reserves the right to require that a patron consume food outside of the Library if that patron's food consumption is disturbing the study environment for other Library patrons.

Covered Drinks

All containers must have secure lids to prevent spilling.


Eat judiciously--use good judgment and respect other patrons when consuming food in the Library. You may eat finger foods or snack foods, so long as they are not likely to damage the collection or the facilities--avoid foods that are sticky, greasy, drippy, smelly, etc.--or disruptive for other patrons--avoid foods that are distracting, noisy, smelly, etc. See the Examples chart below. Unattended food will be removed and discarded. Outside delivery of food to the Library is not permitted.

Clean Up

To help this policy work, we ask that you be considerate of your fellow patrons and clean up after yourself. In the event of a spill, please clean up your mess. If you need assistance cleaning up the mess, please contact the circulation desk Please dispose of food garbage in the large waste cans in the Library rather than in study room waste cans. We hope this will help us avoid attracting insects to the Library.

Examples of Food Items

Allowed Not Allowed
Pretzels Pizza
Nuts Burgers
Granola bars Ice cream
Bagels French fries
Grapes or raisins Chicken wings
Cookies Food requiring utensils

Note:  Food and drink are not allowed in the computer lab.

Enforcement begins November 8, 2010. Update July 15, 2020. Updated 9/28/2022

Chat Reference Service is available at Georgia State University College of Law Library.  The service is provided primarily for the Georgia State University community, particularly those affiliated with the College of Law.  Other users are welcome to use the Chat Reference Service for questions dealing specifically with the College of Law and its collections.  If the volume of chat reference request from other users becomes too heavy, the College of Law Library reserves the right to restrict service.

The Chat Reference Service is designed to assist library users with brief research questions, such as how to find information on a particular topic using the library’s online catalog or electronic resources.  The Chat Reference Service is best suited to questions that may be answered using electronic resources.  More complex questions, such as those requiring in-depth knowledge of a subject or resource, may require the librarian to suggest an alternative method of communication, such as an in-person reference appointment.

The Chat Reference Service will help users identify and use appropriate resources to answer questions.  Members of the Georgia State University community may use the Chat Reference Service to receive instructions about accessing electronic databases or renewing books through GIL; however, the Service will not renew, recall, or retrieve books or library materials based or provide document delivery services on chat requests.  Verification of incomplete citations, requests for legal, medical, financial, or tax advice, and similar requests will not be answered by the Chat Reference Service.

The Georgia State University College of Law Library respects the privacy of users, but cannot guarantee the confidentiality of files, electronic mail, or other information transmitted or stored electronically.  We will collect data on each transaction, as well as save each chat log, for evaluation of use, timing of use, to improve the quality of service or for educational or research purposes.

Enforcement begins November 3, 2010

The College of Law Library is committed to providing all patrons with the best possible access to the facilities, collections, and services.  The Library will reasonably augment services for patrons who identify themselves as in need of ADA accommodation.  The services are primarily designed to support the College of Law educational mission.

For disabled parking, contact the library Circulation Desk (404-413-9100) in advance of your visit to arrange to park.  The Library complies with Georgia State University guidelines established for ADA access to facilities, including entry and egress routes, restrooms, drinking fountains, furnishings, and signage.

Assistive Technology
Due to the sponsorship of the Office of Disability Services, the Library is able to provide an Assistive Technology Room, including a computer operating Zoomtext and JAWS software, a CCTV, a scanner, and a Braille printer.  Library staff are familiar and able to assist with basic operation of the ADA-enhanced equipment.  Students seeking in-depth training are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services.  College of Law students, faculty, and staff have priority for the use of the Assistive Technology room when access is in question.

Patrons requiring assistance retrieving items from the collection or using photocopiers are encouraged to contact the Circulation Desk (404-413-9100) to pre-arrange these services.  Patrons requesting orientation, research consultation, or referrals to campus and off-campus resources are encouraged to contact the Reference Desk (404-413-9102) to pre-arrange these services.  If your disability is not apparent, please identify yourself as having a disability when you seek assistance.

If you have a question about disability accommodations or would like to request an additional accommodation, please contact the Associate Director for Public Services at 404-413-9142.  We will review your request and make any accommodation that we reasonably can, given our budget and staff.

Enforcement begins December 8, 2010

Thanks for being a member of Georgia State University College of Law Library’s online community. The Law Library welcomes your contributions to its WordPress Blog (e.g. comments, links, etc.).  Your views and opinions are what make the Law Library such an amazing place!  However, please note that community-contributed content on the Blog is the opinion of the specific author and does not represent the views, opinions, or policies of the Law Library, the College of Law, or Georgia State University.

The Law Library abides by WordPress’s Terms of Service, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and the Law Library asks its contributors to do the same. The Law Library reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove comments that contain commercial solicitations; are factually erroneous/libelous; are wildly off-topic; that cannot be translated into English by Google Translate or other free online translation software; or that otherwise violate applicable law.

Additionally, for current Georgia State University faculty, staff, and students, please remember that your use of the Law Library’s Blog is be subject to the University’s Student Code of Conduct and Administrative Policies and Procedures and Information Systems Use Policies, as may be applicable.

Georgia State University College of Law Library thanks you in advance for your contributions to the Law Library’s Blog, and for your help in creating a safe and energetic place for supporters of the Law Library to interact.

Enforcement begins June 27, 2013

Thanks for being a member of Georgia State University College of Law Library’s online community. The Law Library welcomes your contributions to its Facebook Page (e.g. comments, photo tagging, wall posts, etc.). Your views and opinions are what make the Law Library such an amazing place!  However, please note that community-contributed content on the Page is the opinion of the specific author and does not represent the views, opinions, or policies of the Law Library, the College of Law, or Georgia State University.

The Law Library abides by Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and the University asks its Facebook Fans to do the same. In particular, please do not “post unauthorized commercial solicitations (such as spam)”; “bully, intimidate, or harass any user”; “post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence”; or “do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory” on the Law Library’s Facebook Page.

Georgia State University reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove comments that contain commercial solicitations; are factually erroneous/libelous; are wildly off-topic; that cannot be translated into English by Google Translate or other free online translation software; or that otherwise violate Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Facebook encourages all users to utilize the “Report” links when they find abusive content.

Additionally, for current University faculty, staff, and students, please remember that your use of the Law Library’s Facebook Page may be subject to the University’s Student Code of Conduct and Administrative Policies and Procedures and Information Systems Use Policies, as may be applicable.

Georgia State University College of Law Library thanks you in advance for your contributions to the Law Library’s Facebook Page, and for your help in creating a safe and energetic place for supporters of the Law Library to interact.

Enforcement begins June 27, 2013

With respect to documents and/or information available on State of Georgia World Wide Web (WWW) servers, neither State of Georgia nor any state entities that supply information on said servers, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacture, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the State of Georgia or any state entity that supplies information online. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the State of Georgia and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Chat Reference

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