How can we help you?
Our librarians and staff are committed to assisting you in all aspects of legal research. Librarians can help you find print or online materials or help you with your legal research project. The librarians and staff in technical services, who acquire, catalog, and maintain our collection of print and electronic resources, are also committed to providing you with a current library. In the required course on legal research, students work with the librarians in learning the techniques of efficient legal research.
This library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code). For more information, see the Collections page on Government Documents.
This website introduces you to the library staff and services. From the website, you can access several services, including the online catalog (GIL), research guides, a list of treatises by topic, and the Law Library Database List. Additionally, the Faculty Publications link highlights books, articles, and electronic publications authored by our faculty.
Reference: 404-413-9102
Street Address:
85 Park Place NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303